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Daniel de Souza Gomes

Daniel de Souza Gomes is a professional illustrator with twenty-two years of experience. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts of Paraná in Art Education with a degree in Fine Arts in 2003. Over the past 19 years, he has illustrated four supplementary books: "Cadê a Flor" in 2007 - independently produced, "Percorrendo os Caminhos da Água" in 2009, published by Base Editora, "Os Dez Pequenos Músicos," published by Terra Sul Editora, and "A Lua e Porto" by Módulo Editora in 2011. He also illustrated two textbooks in 2008: "Contos e Encantos Mineiros" - História and "Rio de Janeiro: Suas Belezas e Histórias Marcantes" – Geografia. In addition to this, he has illustrated many educational materials for early childhood, elementary, and high school education. He has worked for magazines such as "Aprende Brasil," "Atividade e Experiência," "Revista da Mostra de Soluções Para uma Vida Melhor," and "Aymará Cidades." And lastly, in 2017, he illustrated the book "Como Conquistar um Homem Com Mais de 30 Anos." Seus trabalhos em suma são feitos em coloração eletrônica e aquarela com lápis de cor. Em 2022, publicou virtualmente pela Play Store a História/Aplicativo em quadrinhos: A Aranha Cowboy.

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