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The Cowboy Spider

Meet the funny adventures of the fun Spider Dudu, better known as "The Cowboy Spider". A children's comic book in an application format with a differentiated, animated narrative with interactive features.

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Dudu always had difficulty hunting, as his web did not stick to his prey, letting it escape. But his life changed when he learned to weave the web. In one of the first attempts, he ends up lassoing Didi, a summoned cockroach, strong and smart, who, when trying to escape, takes him far from home, to an unknown and dangerous place.

Fearing the risks, both decide to make a deal to return. On the way, they go through many dangers and end up getting involved in an exciting adventure, which makes Dudu improve his lasso technique, giving him an incredible surprise. In addition, the two discover that friendship and partnership are the best weapons in the fight for survival between insects of different species.

The Cowboy Spider is a fun, exciting and innovative comic that shows the value of companionship, friendship and overcoming. And it was made thanks to the Curitiba City Hall Incentive Law, having its launch on March 25 at the exhibition Traços Curitibanos IV at Gibiteca of Curitiba.

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 Cowboy Spider Comic

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